Commercial Pricing
Mechanical Compliance
$250--------(0-3000 Square Ft.)
(3001- 5,000 Square Ft.)
(5,001 Square Ft. & Up)
Envelope Compliance
$250--------(0-3000 Square Ft.)
(3001- 5,000 Square Ft.)
(5,001 Square Ft. & Up)
Lighting Compliance
$250--------(0-3000 Square Ft.)
(3001- 5,000 Square Ft.)
(5,001 Square Ft. & Up)
All Three Compliance Reports (Envelope, Lighting, and Mechanical)
$575----------(0-3000 Square Ft.)
(3001-5,000 Square Ft.)
(5,001 Square Ft. & Up)  |
Plans Can Be Submitted:
Through our website
E-mail to You may attach PDF, AutoCad (DWG), or JPEG Format files. You may also take Digital Pictures Of The Blueprints
Fax: (805) 620-3774
Mail: 2238 Bayview Heights Drive Suite E, Los Osos, CA 93402
Title 24 Reports Will Be Sent Back Via E-Mail.